Increasing the efficiency of the automotive generator due to active rectification
mild hybrid electric vehicle, start-stop system, automotive generator, active rectifier system, three-phase bridge rectifier, synchronous rectifierAbstract
Problem. Increasing fuel economy requirements for modern vehicles lead to an increase in their electrification. The rise in the number of electrical systems leads to a higher load on the electrical power supply system, with the vehicle's power load reaching 2-3 kW. Leading automobile companies have begun serial production of vehicles with the new 12/48 V power supply voltage standard. The traditional alternator used today is a synchronous alternator, and rectifier diodes are used to convert the generated AC to DC to charge the battery, which is inefficient. A study of losses in an automobile alternator shows that the diode rectifier creates a significant portion of the machine's losses at low speeds, resulting in increased fuel consumption. The solution to this problem is to use a synchronous rectifier to replace traditional rectifier diodes, thus improving the efficiency of the AC/DC rectifier. Goal: To improve the economic and environmental characteristics of a mild hybrid vehicle through the use of a synchronous two-semi-periodic rectifier with a midpoint in the car generator. Methodology: Analytical methods are used to calculate energy losses on diodes and in the phase windings of the generator when employing a two-semiperiod rectifier with a midpoint, compared to a bridge rectifier. Results: The structure, functions, and operation modes of the synchronous rectification system are considered. The effect of synchronous rectification on the generator efficiency of a mild hybrid vehicle is analyzed. It was determined which configurations of synchronous rectification are more effective from the standpoint of energy saving and under which operating conditions. It was determined that in a two-semiperiod rectifier with a midpoint, compared to a bridge rectifier, there will be the same heating of the phase windings and 2 times fewer losses on the diodes. Practical value: A version of the bridge synchronous rectification system of the 48 V generator for a mild hybrid vehicle using MOSFET transistors and specialized control IC is proposed. A synchronous rectification system and its circuit implementation for a 12 V generator based on a two-semi-periodic rectifier scheme with a midpoint is proposed, which allows increasing the energy efficiency and economy of the automobile generator.
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