Enhancing electromagnetic compatibility and energy efficiency of electric vehicle charging stations





electric car, active rectifier, efficiency, power quality, pulse width modulation


Problem. The article proposes a single-link structure for an electric vehicle charging station utilizing an active four-square rectifier with power factor correction. A Matlab model of the proposed charging station is developed, taking into account parameters such as the power network, the switches of the active rectifier, its automatic control system, and an equivalent model of the battery compartment. Additionally, a mathematical model for calculating static and dynamic losses is created based on polynomial approximation of the energy dependencies of IGBT modules. The analysis investigates power quality parameters, components of energy losses, and efficiency of the charging station across various charge currents and PWM frequencies during a full battery charge interval. Goal. The aim of this study is to propose a single-link structure for an electric vehicle charging station using an active four-square rectifier with power factor correction. It includes an analysis of power quality parameters, components of energy losses, and efficiency of the charging station at different charge currents and PWM frequencies during a full battery charge interval. Methodology. To achieve the goal, several key steps are considered. These include theoretical substantiation of the scheme of the electric microgrid charging station for electric vehicles with one-stage energy conversion, analysis of the battery connection scheme in the Tesla Model S electric car, research and calculation of efficiency, modeling of the charging station, development of a Matlab model of a microgrid system for the charging station, SAC analysis of battery charge voltage and current of a three-phase AV with PWM, modeling of losses in IGBT modules by polynomial approximation of dependencies, distribution of losses in the charging station system, and analysis of energy efficiency parameters. Results. The study presents the energy efficiency parameters of an external DC EV charging station using an active rectifier. It reveals that maximum efficiency of the system is achieved at minimum charge current. However, decreasing the charge current prolongs the charge process and slightly affects power quality parameters. Originality. A mathematical model for calculating static and dynamic losses was developed based on polynomial approximation of the energy dependencies of IGBT modules. The analysis encompasses power quality parameters, components of energy losses, and efficiency of the charging station across various charge currents and PWM frequencies during a full battery charge interval. Practical value. This study contributes to the further development of electric vehicles by improving the energy indicators of electric vehicle batteries and converters of electric vehicle charging stations, enabling fast charging modes. Active development is observed in each of these directions.

Author Biography

Ruslan Bahach, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, 25, Yaroslava Mudrogo str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine

postgraduate, Vehicle Electronics Department


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How to Cite

Bahach, R. (2024). Enhancing electromagnetic compatibility and energy efficiency of electric vehicle charging stations. Vehicle and Electronics. Innovative Technologies, (25), 53–62. https://doi.org/10.30977/VEIT.2024.25.0.6

