Study of an autonomous solar power plant for a motorhome
solar electricity, electricity generation, energy-saving technologies, motorhome, energy-efficient technologies, electric carsAbstract
Problem. An RV combines two essential features desired by modern travelers: the ability to relax in unconventional locations while still being able to work remotely if your job requires remote access. However, if you're accustomed to the conveniences that rely on electrical power, you'll find yourself searching for places to connect to the centralized power grid. Alternatively, you'll need to seek solutions to this issue. One of the most intriguing and effective solutions is the installation of a low-power solar power station on the RV, based on photovoltaic modules. This solution enables you to park and enjoy any location you prefer while benefiting from all the available technologies powered by electricity. Goal. This study aims to investigate the installation of an autonomous solar power station on an RV and determine its electrical power generation capacity. Methodology. Analytical research methods were employed to explore the development and application of solar energy conversion methods and devices to generate electricity. Experimental research methods and mathematical techniques for processing experimental data were also utilized. Results. The RV type suitable for installing an autonomous solar power station has been identified, specifically the Roller Team Sirio 599. An investigation of its equipment in terms of electricity consumption has been conducted. Furthermore, a self-sustaining solar station has been proposed for the selected RV, and the electricity generation schedule of this station has been studied. The electricity consumption by RV appliances has been thoroughly examined. Originality. This study explored the volt-ampere characteristics of photovoltaic modules and their power generation dependency on the load. The investigated photovoltaic modules demonstrate maximum operational efficiency in the active load range from 3 ohms to 3.5 ohms. Practical Value. The research findings indicate that starting from March, the solar power station on the RV is fully capable of meeting its electricity consumption needs. In the winter months, particularly in November, in Ukraine's climate conditions, this solar power station may only cover a portion of electricity consumption needs. Considering that electrical devices are often used for heating the RV, this solar power station should not be relied upon as the primary source of electrical power.
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