Analytical review of electronic and electrome-chanical systems of electric vehicles
electric car, Tesla, electronic stability control system, electronic brake force distribution system, active air suspension, electric amplifierAbstract
Problem. This article addresses the issue of developing environmentally friendly vehicles and their electronic and electromechanical components. It provides an analytical review of advanced electromechanical technologies utilized in the creation of Tesla electric cars. Specifically, the study analyzes the electronic stability control system, active pneumatic suspension, and electric power steering. The perspective of electric cars lies in their ability to meet the economic requirements of modernity and align with the "Zero Emission" paradigm. The obtained results can serve as recommendations for the development of electronic and electromechanical systems and complexes of electric vehicles, benefiting scientific and technical professionals engaged in the creation of environmentally friendly vehicles. Goal. This study aims to analyze the advanced technologies used in the development of electronic and electromechanical systems of Tesla electric cars. Methodology. The research employs an analytical study of the characteristics of the electronic and electromechanical systems of Tesla electric cars to achieve the set goal. It includes a detailed analysis of the electronic stability control system, active pneumatic suspension, and electric power steering. Results. An analysis of scientific publications reveals that the problem of creating environmentally friendly and energy-efficient vehicles is currently being solved through the use of electric drives powered by traction batteries. Modern electric cars have overcome drawbacks such as low dynamics, limited range, and low maximum speed, surpassing similar internal combustion engine vehicles in these aspects. Tesla electric cars are currently the most technologically advanced and promising in this field. The analysis focuses on the technical solutions and advanced technologies employed in Tesla Model S electric cars, specifically the electronic stability control system, active pneumatic suspension, and electric power steering. The conducted research allows for an assessment of the current state of electronic and electromechanical systems in electric cars and provides insights into their future development. Originality. The results of this research provide a comprehensive understanding of the present state of electronic and electromechanical systems in Tesla electric cars. It enables a detailed analysis and exploration of the advanced technologies used in the development of Tesla electric cars and their distinctive features. Practical Value. The research findings contribute to identifying promising directions for the development of contemporary electronic and electromechanical systems in electric vehicles. They serve as a basis for creating recommendations concerning electronic stability control systems, active pneumatic suspension, and electric power steering, which can be valuable to scientific and technical professionals involved in the development of environmentally friendly vehicles.
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