Methodology for estimating energy consumption for an electric bus and traction battery parameters in operating conditions




electricity, specific consumption, traction battery, capacity, probability of trouble-free operation, electric bus


Problem. An important task when replacing diesel and gas buses with electric buses is to determine the effectiveness of such replacement in terms of its impact on the environment and the cost of purchasing, owning and using electric vehicles during their life cycle, in particular, the task of optimizing the design of electric buses, an important component of which is determining the optimal parameters of the traction battery for the specific operating conditions of such a vehicle. Goal. The goal is determination of real electricity costs and the required capacity of the traction battery for an electric bus, which will ensure with a probability of at least 95% traffic on the route during the day, and the planned period of the traction battery operation. Methodology. The research methods are analytical and mathematical. Results. The method is proposed to determine the real specific consumption of electricity during the operation of an electric bus and substantiate the capacity of the traction battery to ensure the term of its use with a given probability for work on a route of a known length. Originality. It is shown that traction battery capacity must be sufficient to compensate for energy consumption for the movement, electricity constant consumption for powering auxiliary circuits (heating systems, air conditioning, etc.) and take into account with a probability of 0.95 or 0.99 the required additional capacity that will ensure not exceeding the maximum allowable discharge of the traction battery set by its manufacturer. Practical value. The method can be used to determine the real values of specific electricity consumption and traction battery capacity for arbitrary models of electric buses.

Author Biographies

Serhii Andrusenko, National Transport University, 1, M. Omelianovych-Pavlenko str., Kyiv, 01010, Ukraine

Professor, Cand. of Science, Head of the Department of Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Service


Valerii Budnychenko, National Transport University, 1, M. Omelianovych-Pavlenko str., Kyiv, 01010, Ukraine

Associate Professor, Cand. of Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Service

Vladyslav Podpisnov, National Transport University, 1, M. Omelianovych-Pavlenko str., Kyiv, 01010, Ukraine

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Service


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How to Cite

Andrusenko, S., Budnychenko, V., & Podpisnov, V. (2022). Methodology for estimating energy consumption for an electric bus and traction battery parameters in operating conditions. Vehicle and Electronics. Innovative Technologies, (22), 64–71.

