Features of starting motor vehicles diesel engines with the use of molecular energy storages
motor vehicles, internal combustion engine, electrical starting system, battery, molecular energy storagesAbstract
Problem. With the experience of special purpose vehicles operating in the field, there is a problem of electrical start-up of diesel engines at low temperatures. It is caused by an increase in the motor oil viscosity, as well as a decrease in the starter batteries capacity. Goal. The goal of the work is to investigate the possibilities of using molecular energy storage for the reliable diesel engines start-up, including in low temperatures, aimed at improving the efficiency of the electrical start-up systems of special purpose vehicles diesel engines, which are operated in the field. Methodology. Methods of mathematical statistics were used in the study of the characteristics of molecular energy storage. When justifying the characteristics of the diesel engines electrical start-up system with molecular energy storage, mathematical methods of operations research were applied. Methods of mathematical analysis were used in the development of a diesel start-up system scheme. Results. The functional scheme of the electrical start-up system of diesel with a molecular energy storages is proposed. Originality. There are the known ways to facilitate the launch of diesel engines in low temperatures, such as the engine pre-growing or the heating of the air entering the engine combustion chambers, but they lead to a rapid discharge of starter batteries. This may make it impossible to start the diesel engine. The use of molecular energy storage will ensure a reliable start-up of a cold diesel engine. Practical meaning. The use of a combined electricity source, consisting of batteries and molecular energy storage, provides a reliable start-up of the engine in extreme temperature conditions, reducing the batteries capacity, increasing their service life, and cutting down operating costs.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Геннадій Лагутін; Анатолій Панченко; Володимир Уваров , Олег Сальник

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