The method of optimizing the main technical parameters of the promising city electric buses of ONC Type
first class electric bus, city electric bus, passenger capacity of the electric bus, parameters of electric bus masses, parameter optimization, autonomous mileageAbstract
Problem. City electric buses of the ONC type, which are widely used for passenger transportation on city routes, even if the permissible gross weight is increased by 1500 kg, have significantly lower passenger capacity than the high-class buses on the basis of the bodies of which they are created. This is due to the fact that the mass of traction batteries is much greater than the mass of the power unit with all its city bus systems. Goal. The goal is determining the optimal values of the main technical parameters of promising electric buses already at the stages of development of sketch proposals or sketch projects. Methodology. The work is based on the analysis of technical parameters of city electric buses of modern designs and regulated technical requirements for high-capacity passenger wheeled vehicles, the dependences of their passenger capacity on the dimensional parameters of the body, the weight of the equipped electric bus without the weight of traction batteries and the autonomous mileage of electric buses. Results. Three variants of a technique of optimizing the parameters of the designed city electric buses on one of the set parameters – the nominal passenger capacity, average daily autonomous run or length of a body of an electric bus are developed. Originality. An algorithm for determining the optimized parameters of the designed electric buses at the stage of development of sketch proposals and sketch projects is proposed. Practical value. The proposed method provides the design of promising competitive city electric buses of ONC type, which are most suitable for use in the cities of Ukraine, with a given or maximum possible nominal passenger capacity in terms of providing a given or maximum autonomous mileage and equality of passenger capacity, determined by passenger area mass.
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