Simulation of а car parameters impact on the process of its acceleration
car dynamics, receptivity, mathematical modeling, drive unit, car parameters, loadAbstract
Goal. The purpose of the work is mathematical modeling of Daewoo Lanos passenger car acceleration dynamics. Methodology. The mathematical model is based on the methodology of E.A. Chudakov and N.A.Yakovlev. According to this method, the main factor that determines the current value of vehicle acceleration at an elementary speed section is the dynamic factor. This factor depends on the traction force, the air resistance force and the weight of the vehicle. The paper proposes formulas for determining the dynamic factor and parameters of vehicle acceleration at an elementary speed section, where gear shift takes place. The model is implemented in the MATLAB software environment. The software product allows to determine the parameters of the car during acceleration to the maximum speed when the engine is running at the external speed characteristic modes. Results Based on the results of mathematical modeling for the Daewoo Lanos car, the loads arising in the drive of the car were analyzed. It is shown that the tractive effort is mainly spent on overcoming the inertial forces, which at the beginning of the movement exceed the resistance forces of the road and air by more than 50 times. With an increase in the vehicle speed, the inertia force decreases and at a speed of 100 km / h it is only twice the other load components. It is shown that with the accepted initial data, the Daewoo Lanos car accelerates to 100 km/h in 17.7 s, which corresponds to the experimental data. The influence of the mass of the car, the rated power of the engine, the mode and time of gear shifting, the radius of the wheels, the height of the car, the coefficient of aerodynamic drag on the dynamics of acceleration of the car is analyzed. It was revealed that the vehicle weight and the nominal power of the engine affect the dynamics of acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h to the greatest extent. The influence of other parameters in the indicated speed range is not somewhat significant. The explanation of the obtained results is given. Practical value. The mathematical model presented in the work allows to determine the parameters of the engine and the car during acceleration, take into account the influence of the design and adjusting parameters of the engine and the car on these indicators, and carry out optimization studies.
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