Structure of adaptive resonant model of managing the quality of city public passenger transportation
city public transport, quality of transport services, integrated management, identification and structural analysisAbstract
Problem. The need to develop and implement city passenger transport management systems is explained by the current trend to account the integrated efficiency of technological processes implementation within enterprises, transport infrastructure and socio-ecological environment. Also, the assessment of management efficiency should reflect the list of requirements to social significance of public transportation quality. The introduction of city passenger transport management system is a complex task that requires development and formalization of the apparatus for identification and structural multilevel analysis of the quality of public transportation as a fundamental tool for assessing its effectiveness. Methodology. By adapting the principles of identification and structural analysis to syntactic structural models of describing the quality of transportation and establishing the basic production connection of its change, a set of instrumental directions for city public passenger transport management is stressed through formalization of processes within the basic levels of their evaluation. Identification and structural analysis of city passenger transport means establishing a general algorithm for forming a hierarchy of problematic tasks of ensuring the quality of transportation and find effective measures to solve them in a multivariate management. The formed structure of the complex adaptive resonant model of passenger transport management is based on establishing the classification signs of public transportation quality and contains the basic layers of comparison and recognition of conditions for its maintenance. Originality. The situational and structural approach is offered as an invariant basis for the system analysis of difficult objects when implementing the principles of complex management of city passenger transport. It is proposed to approach the choice of the structural modeling apparatus that satisfies the selected requirements of the strategic management of city passenger transport from the standpoint of the possibilities of syntactic formalization of descriptions of its levels and the tasks of identification and structural analysis. Practical value. Based on the principles of adaptive resonance theory, the structure of the model of multilevel coordination of local control parameters is developed and a sequence of their quantitative comparative evaluation is formed according to the basic units corresponding to strategic types of city passenger transport management: improving mobility and quality of transportation, economic incentives, resource efficiency of transport infrastructure, road safety, environmental impact. The developed general structure of the contour of integrated city public transport management allows in prospect to form a model of multilevel coordination of local parameters and is a methodological basis for implementation of automated decision support systems.
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