Development of intelligent vehicle systems based on CAN network
The paper analyzes the characteristics of CAN network (Controller Area Network) and compares them with the characteristics of known electronic interfaces, which are used for the development of traffic control systems. Such interfaces were considered as: RS-423, RS-422 and RS-232. It should be noted that they work much faster and transmit control signals directly to the executive bodies. It is shown that despite the lower speed, the advantages of the CAN network are high protection against external interference, reliability and error-free operation. These advantages are manifested in networks with many nodes that work simultaneously and interact with each other. The main advantage of CAN is the ability to provide adaptive management of network nodes when they exchange information, process it on on-board computers and take into account the current situation as it develops at a particular time. Using the CAN network, a system design of some systems has been developed, which are relevant for implementation on cars on urban electric vehicles. The project of adaptive lighting system developed in accordance with the recommendations of NECE is: Transport Regulation No. 123, Uniform provisions concerning the approval of adaptive front-lighting systems (AFS). This system implements one of the most advanced algorithms of AFS, namely the pre-inspection algorithm, which takes into account the properties of the driver's eyes to assess the traffic situation on the road. The option of implementing an automated toll collection system in a trolleybus, which includes cash registers, validators, number of passenger sensors and a passenger alert system, was also considered. It is proposed to perform an adaptive lighting system and an automated fare collection system on one CAN bus with a speed of 1 Mbit/s, as one of them works while driving on the route, and the other mainly during vehicle stops. The system of energy saving for the means of city ground passenger electric transport at the expense of a choice of optimum modes of movement is also developed. The system works on an advanced electronic model for calculating motion characteristics. It includes a computer with the appropriate software, an electronic route map, traffic schedules, and a satellite orientation system. During the movement the coordinates and speed of the vehicle are determined and according to the program the mode of movement from the current point to the stopping point is calculated. As a result of processing the results and comparing them with the schedule, the driver is recommended to choose the mode of movement with the lowest energy consumption. A state patent has been obtained for the proposed system.
Keywords: CAN network, intelligent system, car, trolleybus, adaptive lighting, energy saving, interface.
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