Analysis of approaches to the implementation of the road safety management system in Ukraine
Problem. Ukraine is one of the countries in Europe with the worst road safety performance. In addition, according to the World Bank, the losses of the Ukrainian economy as a result of road accidents reach 4% of the country's GDP. All this indicates a low level of reliability of road transport and the entire road traffic system. In this situation, Ukraine should intensify its work to improve road safety in order to support the global trend of zero-mortality programs on the roads. A global approach should be based on the establishment and improvement of the road safety management system. Goal. The goal is improving road safety in Ukraine based on the improvement of the road safety management system (RSMS) as well as development of recommendations for improving RSMS based on the analysis of existing world approaches to solving the problem of road safety. Methodology Analytical methods are used to study approaches to building an effective RSMS structure. Based on the application of system analysis methods, the main structural elements of the RSMS, the tasks of their functioning, requirements and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of processes in the system are identified. Results. The results of a comparative analysis of the experience of the world leading countries in improving the main components of a RSMS are presented. The requirements for the effective functioning of the system are highlighted and described. It has been established that effective measures of individual RSMS elements do not always lead to an increase in the efficiency of the system as a whole. Originality. Based on the study of the Ukrainian road safety management system, methods for its improvement are proposed subject to the availability of institutional, intellectual and technical readiness of the country, region, city, enterprise. These techniques take into account the approaches to building the RSMS structure, its tasks, principles and functions. The establishment of effective interaction between the participants of the system and the determination of performance indicators for the RSMS are highlighted as a key improvement stage. Practical value. The results of this study can be used to formulate effective programs to improve road safety. Namely, to create a reliable DBMS structure with specific requirements for its elements. Improving the main components of a safety management system can significantly increase the effectiveness of the management system and the level of road safety in Ukraine.
Keywords: road safety; road safety management system; RSMS elements; regulatory documents of the world countries on road safety.
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