Solar charging power plant – a complex for laboratory and practical training
Problem. The development and implementation of green technologies is not only relevant, but also a very cost-effective scientific and engineering task. Therefore, training specialists in the latest green energy-saving and energy-efficient technologies is also an urgent task for the modern educational process. Goal. The aim is development of a conceptual solution for the complex for laboratory and practical classes based on a solar charging station. Methodology. The analytical methods of research on the development and application of methods and devices for transforming the energy of the sun into electricity were used. Methods of experimental research and mathematical methods of processing and modulation of the received results are used. Results. A review of decisions on the main methods of converting solar energy into electricity was made and the main kinds and types of solar power plants were studied. It is proposed to develop a complex for laboratory and practical classes with students based on a hybrid design of a solar power plant. The technical characteristics of the developed complex are given, its main components are indicated and the list of its equipment is presented. Because solar panels are the main element of the complex that converts the energy of solar radiation into electricity, the main dependences for calculating their parameters are given. The scheme for carrying out experimental research with solar panels of a complex is offered. Originality. A list of laboratory and practical classes that can be conducted on the developed complex for laboratory and practical classes is proposed. Practical value. Implementation of the proposed complex for laboratory and practical classes on the basis of a solar charging station will allow educational institutions not only to conduct a quality educational process on modern equipment, but also to generate a certain amount of green energy that can be used for their own needs.
Key words: solar charging power station, green energy, green tariff, solar energy, solar power station, electric car, energy-efficient technologies, solar panels.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Андрій Вікторович Гнатов, Щасяна Валіковна Аргун, Ганна Андріївна Гнатова, Кирило Сергійович Тарасов

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