Estimation of braking efficiency of four-axis vehicle in case of failure of one of the circuits of its working brake system


  • Дмитро Миколайович Леонтьєв Kharkov National Automobile and Highway Uni-versity, 61002, Ukraine, Kharkiv, str. Yaroslava Mudrogo 25, Ukraine
  • Володимир Олексійович Тімонін Kharkov National Automobile and Highway Uni-versity, 61002, Ukraine, Kharkiv, str. Yaroslava Mudrogo 25,
  • Андрій Дмитрович Савчук The ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine scientific research and forensic Centre of the ministry of internal affairs in Kharkiv region, Ukraine
  • Сергій Сергійович Губарьков The ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine scien-tific research and forensic Centre of the ministry of internal affairs in Kharkiv region, Ukraine



Problem. Due to the fact that heavy construction equipment is now used more often on public roads of large cities, the work analyzes the braking efficiency of such vehicles in the event of failure of one of their brake drive circuits. Goal. The aim of the study is to choose a rational scheme for connecting the brake drive circuit to the corresponding brake mechanisms of a multi-axis vehicle using two-section and three-section brake valves. Methodology. The proposed method for numbering the circuits of the brake drive allows to evaluate and choose rational options for the layout of the brake drive for different layouts of axles on the vehicle. Results. The technique makes possible you to evaluate the braking performance of a multi-axis vehicle in the event of failure of one of its brake drive circuits. Originally. A new approach to the estimation of the braking performance of heavy vehicles is proposed, which enables to take into account the design features of the brake system of a heavy multi-axis vehicle. Practical value. The results of simulation modeling are described and the most rational circuit diagrams are determined at which it is possible to achieve a deceleration of 2.5 m/s2 of the vehicle in case of failure of its working brake system.

Key words: brake system; simulation; brake dynamics; modeling; braking system efficiency; spare braking system; braking; brake drive; brake drive circuit.

Author Biographies

Дмитро Миколайович Леонтьєв, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway Uni-versity, 61002, Ukraine, Kharkiv, str. Yaroslava Mudrogo 25

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Automobiles named after A.B. Gredeskul

Володимир Олексійович Тімонін, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway Uni-versity, 61002, Ukraine, Kharkiv, str. Yaroslava Mudrogo 25

Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Technology and Mechatronics

Андрій Дмитрович Савчук, The ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine scientific research and forensic Centre of the ministry of internal affairs in Kharkiv region

Forensic expert

Сергій Сергійович Губарьков, The ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine scien-tific research and forensic Centre of the ministry of internal affairs in Kharkiv region

Forensic expert


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How to Cite

Леонтьєв, Д. М., Тімонін, В. О., Савчук, А. Д., & Губарьков, С. С. (2022). Estimation of braking efficiency of four-axis vehicle in case of failure of one of the circuits of its working brake system. Vehicle and Electronics. Innovative Technologies, (16), 26–34.



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