Software and hardware complex for modeling unmanned vehicles (robocar) with the Аrduino controller


  • Наталья Витальевна Кобрина 1National Aerocosmic University іm. M.Є. Zhukovsky “Kharkiv Aviation University”, Chkalov Street 17, Kharkiv, Kharkiv region, 61000., Ukraine



Abstract. Problem. Self-driving cars have some advantages over the cars that are controlled by people. These advantages include reduction of cost for transportation of cargoes and passengers, fuel economy, less need for individual cars, smaller number of traffic accidents, environmental safety, etc. When using unmanned vehicles, the human factor in road-transport accidents is eliminated. Therefore, development of software and hardware complex for simulation of self-driving cars (robocars) using the Arduino controller is an urgent problem for development of transportation, which can be used for the economy of Ukraine and for other industries. Goal. The aim is scientific substantiation of creating a software-hardware complex for simulation of self-driving cars (robocars) using the Arduino controller. Methodology. Methodological basis of theoretical research is based on the use of systematic, scientifically grounded analysis in the field of software and hardware complex to simulate self-driving cars (robocars). Results. Software-hardware complex for simulation of self-driving cars (robocars) using Arduino controller has been created. Methods of simulation of self-driving cars were investigated on a four-wheeled full-gear chassis. Originality. The mathematical model for engine control was further developed (the development of a sketch) on the basis of a four-wheeled full-drive chassis using Arduino controller. Practical value. The self-driving car was designed, produced and practically tested in simulated conditions on the basis of four-wheeled full-gear chassis using Arduino controller. The developed software and hardware complex allows creating self-driving cars using Arduino controller and operative estimation of the efficiency of self-driving cars.

Key words: simulation; unmanned vehicle, robocar; Arduino controller; four-wheel full drive chassis; engine control; robot emergency stop sensor.

Author Biography

Наталья Витальевна Кобрина, 1National Aerocosmic University іm. M.Є. Zhukovsky “Kharkiv Aviation University”, Chkalov Street 17, Kharkiv, Kharkiv region, 61000.

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Automobiles and Transport Infrastructure


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How to Cite

Кобрина, Н. В. (2022). Software and hardware complex for modeling unmanned vehicles (robocar) with the Аrduino controller. Vehicle and Electronics. Innovative Technologies, (15), 28–38.

