Expert systems for monitoring the technical condition of the vehicle
Problem. In order to achieve the high quality of the solution of problems, it is necessary to improve the system of technical maintenance of cars taking into account the development of computer and intellectual technologies of the present. The use of expert systems develops gradually over the entire time of the existence of the systems being studied, and therefore the evolutionary approach to their creation within the service of cars should be dominant in theoretical studies and special developments. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is made up of the fundamental principles of modern computer technology, service technology, scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists in the field of expert systems and information technology in the organization of technical maintenance. Goal. The goal of the study of this work is to consider the introduction of an expert system for monitoring the technical condition and diagnostics of vehicles. Results. The article considers an estimation of the possibility of using an expert system in the maintenance and diagnosis of vehicles at a service station. Originality. A detailed review of the expert system (ES classification, stages of creation and their algorithmization) as a way of obtaining, analyzing and processing diagnostic information has made it possible to determine that the expert system is the optimal way of processing and storing information that can subsequently be used as needed by a person or a machine. to meet the needs of diagnosing and servicing automobiles. Practical value. The results of the conducted research allow us to conclude that it is possible to solve an important scientific and practical task of increasing the level of monitoring and servicing vehicles using expert systems. The formalization of the technology of expert systems, the development in its framework of mathematical methods and algorithms for the formation and processing of knowledge - this is the direction for implementation when servicing cars.
Key words:
operation; maintenance; diagnostics; expert system; knowledge base; vehicle.
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