Ways to improve the efficiency of electric con-trol of modern electromobile
Problem. The most important factors here are environmental and economic ones. For large cities these two factors are closely connected and form the requirements for modern vehicles. Goal. They consist in realizing the control of the torque and speed of the electric motor. These requirements indicate the need to limit the current of the engine, as well as the moment of admissible values. At the same time there is an overload in the work and the need for constant regulation of the torque of the engine. It is also necessary to carry out such measures when it is necessary to accurately support the efforts on the working mechanism. Methodology. When performing the work, an analytical method was used. Results. The use of vector control in the frequency converters of the traction electric drive allows to significantly improve the efficiency of using the battery of the electric vehicle, which makes it possible to extend the mileage on one charge. The principles of building modules of converters for power supply of windings of an electric motor to an electric vehicle are considered. The options of vector control and types of observers are considered. The methods of determining the position of the rotor are analyzed. It was found that the position sensors of the rotor depend on external factors and temperature. Originality. Highlights the most important components of the drive and their requirements. The efficiency of using the vector control method of the traction motor is shown. Practical value. The importance of precision control of the traction motor on the efficiency of the electric drive system in general is shown. One of the most critical elements of the motor control system are rotor position sensors and current sensors in the phases of the windings.
Key words: vector control; frequency converter; electric motor; dynamical shock load; scalar method; sound links; magnetic field; magnetic non-uniform.
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