Functional characters of the motor vehicle flow


  • Леся Сергіївна Шелудченко State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya, Ukraine



The development of measures to reduce the impact of road traffic and road network on natural-technogenic geo-ecosystems is impossible without formalizing their main transport-operational characteristics. The purpose of the article is to determine the main functional features of motor transport flows. Methodology. Functional analysis of sets as a piecewise-linear function of a dynamical flow. Results. It is established that the minimum value of traffic intensity of vehicles, in which their free movement mode acquires the signs of collective synchronous ("coherent") traffic in the composition of the autotransport flow is 3 × 103 aut./day, which corresponds to the normalized values for highways categories 1-a, 1-b, 2, 3. Practical significance. The main physico-dynamic and transport-operational characteristics of the collective movement of vehicles in the structure of motor transport flows, established on the basis of the results of the functional analysis, make it possible to significantly improve the indicators of the ecological safety of motor transport networks and develop measures to reduce the levels of influence of the motor transport complex on the near- technogenic geoecosystems.

Кey words:

motor flow; synchronization; functional properties; piecewise linear function.

Author Biography

Леся Сергіївна Шелудченко, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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How to Cite

Шелудченко, Л. С. (2018). Functional characters of the motor vehicle flow. Vehicle and Electronics. Innovative Technologies, (13), 75–79.

