Help system in the overtaking of trucks


  • Ігор Миколайович Сушков Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University, Ukraine
  • Олександр Андрійович Дзюбенко Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University, Ukraine



Problem. Trucks occupy a leading position in terms of the volume of transported cargo among other types of transport, they account for about 75% of freight traffic. When trucks are driving on two-lane roads, they create difficulties for the movement of other vehicles which are moving behind. This is due to the fact that with its large dimensions trucks obstruct the view of the road to drivers are who moving behind. Also, due to their length, the driver needs more time to perform the overtaking maneuver, so they move for a long time in the oncoming lane. As a result, drivers may encounter an oncoming car during the overtaking of the truck. Goal. Creating a system that will help drivers to perform a safe maneuver overtaking a truck on two-lane roads and prevent a collision of oncoming cars during this maneuver. Methodology. The analytical method is research of existing systems that can help the driver to perform a safe overtaking maneuver. The method of synthesis is creation the  structural scheme of a new system, based on the advantages and disadvantages of analyzed systems. Result. The analysis of the work and the principle of the existing systems can help the driver to perform a safe maneuver overtaking a truck. A system which is based on the use of a radar of medium and long range detection is presented, described a block diagram of the system and its components is presented. The system operation algorithm, according to which the system can determine the safest moment for executing a truck overtaking, is described. Original. The developed system is able to work in any weather conditions, time of day and in any temperature ranges. It has the ability to be applied in mass use, it has a higher degree of reliability due to the use of radar. Practical value. The developed system can be installed on any large vehicle and thereby improve traffic safety on two lanes, by reducing the chance of colliding oncoming cars at the time of overtaking a large vehicle.


Key words:

radar; truck; microcontroller; “transparent” car; assistance system; vehicle; overtaking; large vehicles.

Author Biographies

Ігор Миколайович Сушков, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University


Олександр Андрійович Дзюбенко, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University

Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Vehicle Electronics Department


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How to Cite

Сушков, І. М., & Дзюбенко, О. А. (2018). Help system in the overtaking of trucks. Vehicle and Electronics. Innovative Technologies, (13), 59–65.

