Throttle control of the system vehicle air supply


  • Владимир Максимович Манойло Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petr Vasilenko, Ukraine



A simplified structural diagram of the control system (CS) of the crankshaft rotation frequency is developed, which uses the discrete transfer function of the control object and the discrete transfer function of the control object with respect to the driving force. As a parametrically optimized regulator, a second-order linear regulator is used. The projected control system is characterized by a relatively low noise level and the amount of lag in the control object. In such conditions, the use of PID regulators is recommended. To ensure that the regulator in question had the properties of a continuous PID controller, constraints on its coefficients were imposed. In the system under consideration, it is proposed to use the stepper motor to change the angular position of the throttle valve to control the speed of the crankshaft. The obtained ratios allow preliminary estimation of the values of the coefficients of the digital controller, and also select the required sampling period for the signals of the microprocessor control system of the gas internal combustion engine. In the future, the values of the selected parameters should be refined in the course of experimental studies taking into account the limitations considered.

Key words: throttle; control system; structural diagram; transfer function; difference equations.

Author Biography

Владимир Максимович Манойло, Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petr Vasilenko

Associate Professor, Ph.D.


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How to Cite

Манойло, В. М. (2018). Throttle control of the system vehicle air supply. Vehicle and Electronics. Innovative Technologies, (13), 36–41.

