Application of modern lithium – ionic battery packages on electric cars


  • Ирина Юрьевна Сараева Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University, Ukraine
  • Андрей Анатольевич Стародубцов Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University, Ukraine



Problem. In connection with the increase in efficiency and environmental safety of cars, electric vehicles and hybrid cars were introduced into mass production. In the world, their number is growing every year. In Ukraine, the hybrid car Toyota Prius is used by the patrol police of Ukraine, and Nissan Leaf electric cars are widely introduced into the taxi network. For the owners of these cars, it is important to understand the features of their technical service, diagnosis and maintenance. Purpose. The aim of the work is to study the basic structures and modifications of lithium-ion batteries and to determine the rules for the technical operation of these batteries on hybrid and electric cars. Methodology. The design features of lithium-ion batteries and their varieties, which have received practical development on the example of two main types of batteries - with cylindrical and packet cells, which are used on electric vehicles from leading companies Tesla and Nissan, are analyzed. Results. The limiting technical (diagnostic) parameters that determine the operating rules for lithium-ion batteries on electric vehicles are highlighted: this is the maximum voltage on the battery element 4.30 V, the maximum heating temperature of the battery cell to 90 ° С, the threshold pressure level inside Cases 1034 kPa (10.5 kg / m2), the minimum voltage on the battery cell is 2.5 V.  Originality. Through an analysis of the design features and diagnostic parameters of Li-Ion batteries, the rules of technical operation and recommendations for increasing the service life of these batteries on hybrid and electric cars in Uraine are considered. Practical value. The results of the research allow us to make certain recommendations for increasing the service life of lithium-ion batteries on hybrid and electric cars when used in Ukraine.


lithium-ion battery; electric vehicle; hybrid; diagnostics; malfunction; operation; service life.

Author Biographies

Ирина Юрьевна Сараева, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University

Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.

Андрей Анатольевич Стародубцов, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University



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Пристатейна бібліографія ДСТУ

Литий-ионные (Li-ion) аккумуляторы [электронный ресурс]: Режим доступа:

Обзор батареи Nissan Leaf[электронный ресурс]: Режим доступа:

Аккумуляторная батарея электрокара Tesla Model S[электронный ресурс]: Режим доступа:

Анализ неисправностей современных аккумуляторных батарей электромобилей / И. Широкун // «Автоцентр» – 2016 – №2.

Правила эксплуатации литий–ионных батарей на электромобилях[электронный ресурс]: Режим доступа:

Применение литьевых батарей в гибридах и электромобилях[электронный ресурс]: Режим доступа:

Электромобиль Nissan Leaf [электронный ресурс]: Режим досту-па:

Обзор батареи Nissan Leaf[электронный ресурс]: Режим досту-па:

Обзор электромобиля Tesla Model S/ С. Знаемский// «Авторевю»–2015–№12.

Электромобиль Tesla Model S[электронный ресурс]: Режим доступа: S.



How to Cite

Сараева, И. Ю., & Стародубцов, А. А. (2018). Application of modern lithium – ionic battery packages on electric cars. Vehicle and Electronics. Innovative Technologies, (13), 28–35.

