Optimized control system for a booster lithium-iron-phosphate battery
lithium-iron-phosphate batteries, battery management system, optimization of charging and discharging processes, reliability of battery systems, stable power supplyAbstract
Problem. Conventional lead-acid batteries suffer from significant limitations such as low energy density, reduced reliability over time, and inefficiency under challenging conditions like low temperatures and deep discharge. These limitations highlight the necessity of more efficient, lightweight, and durable alternatives for applications like starting internal combustion engines (ICE) and providing backup power. Methodology. This research focuses on designing and testing an optimized battery management system (BMS) for lithium-iron-phosphate (LiFePO₄) batteries. Key performance parameters, including voltage, current, and temperature, were analyzed. An advanced electronic control unit was developed to regulate charging and discharging processes, with a focus on internal resistance management and cell balancing. Experimental validation was performed under various conditions, including low temperatures and heavy loads, to ensure robust performance. Results. The developed system demonstrated superior reliability, reduced charging times, and longer lifespan compared to conventional batteries. The optimized BMS ensured stable energy output, effectively balancing the charge and managing internal resistance. This system provided consistent performance even under extreme conditions, making it more cost-effective and durable. Originality. This study introduces a novel approach to controlling LiFePO₄ battery systems using advanced BMS technology, addressing specific challenges in ICE startups and auxiliary power applications. It integrates enhanced temperature management, internal resistance monitoring, and charge balancing, providing a tailored solution for demanding environments. Practical value. The findings have practical implications for improving energy efficiency and reliability in automotive and other industries. The enhanced performance and extended lifespan of LiFePO₄ batteries make them ideal for critical applications, such as renewable energy storage and backup power systems, supporting the broader adoption of sustainable energy technologies.
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