Experimental evaluation of vehicle braking efficiency considering the influence of tires
car, tire, clutch, brakin, slowdownAbstract
Problem. Checking the brake system of a vehicle is crucial in terms of assessing its operational safety, and performance indicators and permissible modes are determined by the state standards of Ukraine. However, there are challenges related to the accuracy and objectivity of evaluating the braking efficiency of a car. The coefficient of adhesion between the wheel and the road surface is the primary factor that significantly affects the braking dynamics of a vehicle. This coefficient constantly changes due to various factors such as road surface conditions, tire design and properties, tire effectiveness, and car speed. Assessing the impact of these factors on a car's braking performance is difficult. Goal. The aim of this study is to experimentally determine the influence of tire properties on vehicle braking efficiency by conducting a multifactorial experiment on cars of different brands with different types of tires. Methodology. The study employs the method of conducting braking tests under road conditions using the necessary equipment. Statistical data on braking efficiency parameters were collected from cars equipped with different tire brands. Experimental tests were conducted on Mazda 323F and Hyundai Elantra cars, using tires from various manufacturers such as Sava, Tigar, Nokian, and MICHELIN. The tests were performed on asphalt-concrete surfaces under dry and wet conditions, and the braking efficiency indicators were measured. Originality. The experiment revealed that the quality of the rubber used in car tires has a significant impact on their braking efficiency within a wide range. The deceleration of a category М1 vehicle can exceed the minimum requirements for braking efficiency, established by national and international standards, by 29-67%, depending on the tire brand. This research presents prospects for further development of experimental and statistical studies in this field, aiming to provide a better understanding of car braking efficiency parameters based on tire quality. Practical Value. The data obtained from this study are of practical importance for evaluating the effectiveness of car braking during expert investigations of traffic accidents. This enables experts to draw more objective conclusions about the accident process and determine the driver's ability to avoid such incidents.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Olexii Saraiev, Ірина Сараєва, Сергій Данець, Олександр Козлов

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