Evaluation of the possibility of using mathematical models for expert research of car engine damage
car, engine, operation, damage, expertise, model, calculationAbstract
Problem. The problem of expert assessment of damage to engine parts, especially its mechanisms, which work in conditions of malfunctions of the car is a difficult task. Such an assessment requires certain qualifications, special equipment, is quite expensive and is subjective. The use of mathematical models in conducting such research should improve the objectivity of the expert's opinion. To do this, the paper identifies mathematical models, which are the basis of an improved expert method for estimating engine damage. These models under certain conditions of application allow to solve the inverse problem of destruction of details of the engine mechanism. Previously, such models were used in the design of the engine in the absence of violations of the car. Modeling in the practice of expert research is designed to improve their informational and objective components in determining the causes of engine failures due to violations of the operating conditions of the car. Goal. The aim of the work is to use mathematical models in conducting expert studies of engine damage to improve the objectivity of the expert's opinion. Methodology. Methodical materials for determining the causes of engine failures are not enough to solve practical problems. In many cases, the search for the cause of the fault involves time-consuming work on the analysis of numerous possible causes, which is often subjective, highly dependent on the qualifications of the researcher and can lead to erroneous determination of the cause of the fault. Originality. The problem of correct and effective determination of the causes of malfunctions remains an urgent task at all stages of operation of engines. In expert practice, it is customary to use several methods, which include diagnostic, as well as methods based on the analysis of signs of damage to individual parts. Practical value. Serious development of numerical modeling methods used for ICE design tasks has had almost no effect on the methods of modeling various faults, insufficiently developed issues of applicability of known mathematical models to the problem of damage to parts and components of ICE. In fact, modeling methods are not used at all in expert tasks to determine the causes of faults.
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