Analysis of the most common methods for determining the stability of energy systems
power system, static characteristics, stability, dynamic characteristics, integral criteria, perturbation forces, power balanceAbstract
Problem. There are many methods for determining the stability of the energy system. In normal operating condition (normal rated mode), the power system must reliably ensure the consumption of electricity of normalized quality. However, in addition to the normal state, there are emergency and transient states caused by various transients. This is due to the fact that the energy system is constantly changing its parameters. Such changes are determined by variations in the amount of power produced and consumed, as well as the changes in system configuration. Goal. The goal is studying the possibilities of various methods of determining the power systems stability and drawing up the general algorithm of actions for maintenance of their stability. Methodology. When determining the stability of energy systems by the Lyapunov method, two methods can be used: the direct method and the first approximation method. Lyapunov direct method refers to differential methods. To conclude about the stability of the system we do not find a general or particular solution of differential equations, but with their help we find a mathematical function, the complete derivative of which over time allows to obtain a conclusion about the stability of the system. Results. Many methods can be used to determine whether a sustainable energy system is stable or not. The most common are the Lyapunov methods and the Moiseev method. It is determined that the direct Lyapunov method refers to differential methods. The application of the direct Lyapunov method for energy problems is limited. Currently, it can be used only for some individual cases. The method of the first approximation (Lyapunov first method) has received wider application in the solution of power problems. When applying this method, which belongs to the group of methods of full integration, the right-hand sides of the equations are decomposed into power series. Originality. It is determined that one of the perspective directions of increasing the efficiency of the mathematical device work is using the methods of the second order in modeling and optimization of operating modes of electric power systems. This allows you to increase the speed and reliability of the convergence of iterative processes. Practical value. Based on the analysis of various existing methods for solving the problems of stability of energy systems, an algorithm of actions is proposed and developed, which will help to solve the problem of stability in practice.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Андрій Гнатов, Щасяна Аргун, Ганна Гнатова, Руслан Багач, Валентина Тарасова, Олександр Ручка

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