Trends and prospects for the development of light-duty electric vehicles
Problem. Today one of the urgent tasks is the creation and organization of production of category N1 electric vehicles of low carrying capacity in Ukraine. Therefore, research is needed to determine the development trends of such electric vehicles for the correct choice of the type of cab, wheel arrangement, types of controlled and driven axles, carrying capacity and their other technical parameters. Goal. The aim of the work is to analyze the trends and assess the prospects for organizing small-scale production of low-capacity electric vehicles of category N1 at factories in Ukraine, as well as identifying ways to create promising competitive designs for such electric vehicles. Methodology. Based on the analysis of the technical parameters and characteristics of light-duty electric vehicles of European manufacturers, created in 2019-2020, the layout diagrams were analyzed according to the wheel formula and type of driver's cabins, the design of the axles used and the suspensions of their suspension wheels. On the basis of the criteria and the proposed formulas, indicators of the technical efficiency of these electric vehicles are determined. Results. The development tendencies are determined and directions and stages of creating the structures of light-duty electric vehicles at the factories of Ukraine are proposed. The layout diagrams of the designed electric vehicles according to the type of the driver's cabin and according to the wheel formula, as well as their main technical parameters, are recommended. Originality. Criteria for evaluating the constructive efficiency of light-duty electric vehicles and formulas for determining their performance are proposed. Practical value. A program for the creation of domestic electric vehicles of low carrying capacity in two stages is proposed, using at the first stage imported integral beam-type driving axles with an asynchronous traction motor and steered axles with independent wheel suspension, a layout diagram and basic parameters are recommended. The second stage of the program provides for the creation of an organization for the production of domestic bridges and traction motors.
Key words: light duty electric vehicle, drive axle, traction electric motor, traction batteries, wheel arrangement.
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