Prospects of the augmented reality use in automobile transport


  • Владислав Миколайович Шуляков Harkov National Automobile and Road University, 61002, Ukraine, Kharkov, str. Yaroslav Mudruy, 25., Ukraine
  • Валентина Іванівна Фастовець Harkov National Automobile and Road University, 61002, Ukraine, Kharkov, str. Yaroslav Mudruy, 25., Ukraine



Problem. The problem is the necessity to facilitate the technical analysis of the car. The potential of smartphone integration and augmented reality for the automotive industry is very large. AR can provide additional information on any subject in various ways, and simplify the understanding of complex information. At present, we can find great examples of the augmented reality in different industries all over the world. The ability to connect reality and digital content is constantly improved, opening up new opportunities for users. Goal. It is necessary to determine in what way it is better to use AR in automobile transport together with the smartphone. Methodology. Using the augmented reality, automobile companies can improve the work of their authorized centers. This can be done by using three-dimensional models of scanned nodes and aggregates. Due to the interaction, unlike virtual reality, AR functions can help get virtual practice - with expanded tutorials, digital modeling, and simulations, as well as gaining some experience at the end. In many cases, theoretical knowledge is not enough to get the right skills in professional areas. Students should not just be listeners and passive observers. Students of technical faculties especially need practice and practical experience in their fields. Results. The analysis of existing methods of interaction with the augmented reality with the help of a smartphone is given in the article, the prospects of the use of augmented reality in the automobile industry are considered. Originality. The original possibility of using the potential of smartphones in the field of technical analysis of cars is described. Practical value. The practical tools of creation and development of content for the augmented reality are analyzed and the best fields of application are proposed.

Keywords: automobile transport; augmented reality; multi-layered model; smartphone; content; application.

Author Biographies

Владислав Миколайович Шуляков, Harkov National Automobile and Road University, 61002, Ukraine, Kharkov, str. Yaroslav Mudruy, 25.

assistant lecturer

Валентина Іванівна Фастовець, Harkov National Automobile and Road University, 61002, Ukraine, Kharkov, str. Yaroslav Mudruy, 25.

assistant professor, cand. eng. sc.


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Nincarean D., Alia M. B., Halim N. D. A., Rahman M. H. A. (2013) Mobile augmented reality: the potential for education. Procedia Soc. Behav. Sci., 103, 657–664.



How to Cite

Шуляков, В. М., & Фастовець, В. І. (2022). Prospects of the augmented reality use in automobile transport. Vehicle and Electronics. Innovative Technologies, (15), 39–43.

