Analysis of Public Transport Accessibility for Mining Districts of Kryvyi Rih
transport accessibility, pedestrian accessibility, public transport, transport modeling, mining district, PTV Visum, accessibility isochronesAbstract
Problem. Mining and processing plants, along with a metallurgical plant, serve as the primary destinations and origins for work trips in Kryvyi Rih. The transport and pedestrian accessibility of public transport (PT) and its stops in these industrial areas are crucial, particularly given the city's linear planning structure characterized by scattered mining districts and economic activities concentrated along the main transport axis. Despite the extensive body of literature focused on PT accessibility, there has yet to be a study specifically examining the accessibility of PT for mining districts within a city that features a linear and dispersed planning structure. Goal. The aim of this study is to perform a comprehensive analysis of public transport accessibility (PTA) as an indicator of transport supply for the mining districts (zones) within the city’s linearly dispersed urban structure. Methodology. The methodology for this comprehensive analysis of PTA relies on transport modeling using PTV Visum software, along with the collection of baseline data to evaluate shifts in transport demand in Kryvyi Rih from 2021 to 2024. Five zones with the highest job concentrations, as defined by Ukrainian Classification of Economic Activities B, were identified. PTA indicators were calculated for both the zones and their serving stops, with travel time set as the primary accessibility criterion, analysed through a comparison of accessibility isochrones. Given the large spatial extent of the mining zones, pedestrian accessibility to these stops is proposed to be evaluated based on the length of PT connectors and the area of each zone within the model. Originality. The study introduces, for the first time, the "limited accessibility of stops" indicator, defined as the ratio of the length of PT connectors to the area of the corresponding zones within the model. This indicator aims to account for the pedestrian accessibility of mining district's stops. Practical value. Proposed practical measures aim to enhance PT efficiency in terms of accessibility within a city characterized by a linearly dispersed planning structure.
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