The project of multi-section articulated tram cars based on an innovative layout scheme
urban electric transport, articulated tram car, innovative layout scheme, nominal passenger capacity, coefficient of operational efficiencyAbstract
Problem. Tram transport refers to ecological types of passenger vehicles for public use. Therefore, it is quite widely used in many countries of the world, in particular, in 22 domestic cities. However, the current state of the fleet of its rolling stock is far from desirable because, with 2314 units as of January 2020, only 99 can be considered new, and a total of 2004 cars were in operation for less than 15 years. The total wear and tear of the fleet of tram cars has reached as much as 92.2%. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to update the rolling stock of tram transport with new competitive models in the ideal version of only domestic production as soon as possible. Goal. The purpose of the research is to develop a new innovative layout scheme and, based on its application, a sketch project of a modular-unified standard size series of two-, three- and four-section articulated tram cars, as well as an assessment of the feasibility of creating their structures for mastering production at domestic enterprises. Methodology. The development of a new layout scheme of multi-section articulated tram cars is based on the analysis of the layout schemes of modern models of such vehicles, the identification of their main types, and the determination of the main shortcomings associated with the main design and operational parameters of tram cars—dimensional parameters, mass parameters, and nominal passenger capacity, as well as the layouts of their passenger cabins. The expediency of using the proposed layout scheme for the creation of prospective models of tram cars was evaluated on the basis of the coefficients of their constructive and operational efficiency. Results. The developed project of multi-section articulated tram cars confirmed the possibility of applying the proposed innovative layout scheme to create promising and competitive models of tram cars with significantly higher indicators of operational efficiency. The use of single-axle wheeled trolleys provides the possibility of achieving faster passenger exchange at stops, and the organization of more convenient movement of passengers through passenger cabins and their access to passenger doors. Originality. A new innovative layout scheme was developed for the creation of competitive multi-section articulated tram cars. Indicators of their constructive and operational efficiency have been proposed at the stage of developing draft proposals and draft design. Practical value. The developed innovative layout scheme can serve to create new promising and competitive models of urban tram transport rolling stock. The proposed indicators of constructive and operational efficiency of tram cars can be utilized by specialists of project organizations at the stages of developing draft proposals and the stage of draft design.
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