Double-action electrodynamic retarder system
deceleration system, electrodynamic retarder, brakes, recuperation of braking energy, electric machine with axial magnetic flux, transmission, energy balanceAbstract
Problem: Issues related to increasing the performance characteristics of braking systems due to the use of car deceleration systems are considered. A structural analysis of car deceleration systems was performed according to a number of classification features: the system action mechanism; the principle of action and means of controlling the retarder; and the method of connecting the retarder brake. Ways of improving retarders based on the electrodynamic principle of construction are noted. The importance of improving the energy indicators of the pre-intermediate braking system due to the use of recuperative methods of self-sufficiency is emphasized. The Relevance of the study is determined by the increase in the number of motor vehicles involved in freight transportation in mountainous terrain. The Goal of the study is to improve the braking characteristics of the car's deceleration system under the conditions of a long descent. The research Methodology includes the improvement of the retarder design and the scheme of the braking force control system. Based on the results of the study, a classification structure of car deceleration systems was compiled; a qualitative analysis of the technical and operational characteristics of the generator-type electromagnetic retarder with axial magnetic flux was made; a technical solution for an electrodynamic retarder is proposed, which comprises two electric machines that provide a double-action braking moment, using recovered energy. The need for a quantitative assessment of the power balance of the double machine's components is identified, which allows optimization of the mass-dimensional indicators of the combined unit for the determined braking force of the deceleration system. Scientific Originality: The trend of transforming the composition of the power plant of a car with a passive electromagnetic retarder into a moderate and even full hybrid scheme is highlighted. The Practical Value of the research is demonstrated through recommendations that can be useful in the design of new systems and adaptation of existing deceleration systems of motor vehicles, which are mainly operated in mountainous terrain.
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