Development of an electric drive for personal light electric vehicles
ersonal light electric vehicle, electric drive, electric motor, control system, battery, energy intensityAbstract
Problem. The article addresses the challenge of enhancing inclusive mobility and environmental cleanliness by developing a traction electric drive for personal light electric vehicles. A study was conducted on modern electric drive systems for personal light electric vehicles. Goal. The aim is to boost inclusive mobility and environmental cleanliness through the development of a traction electric drive for a personal light electric vehicle, specifically based on a tricycle. Methodology. The methodology involves scientific analysis and synthesis of traction electric drives for electric vehicles. An assessment of the nominal capacity of the battery module from the Nissan Leaf electric car was conducted using both partial discharge procedures and the Leaf Spy Pro program. Results. Based on an analysis of existing electric drive systems, a traction electric drive for a tricycle was developed. A functional diagram of the electric bicycle drive was generated. A control system for a sensorless brushless motor was developed, determining rotor position by measuring EMF in the free phase. This led to the creation of a stable voltage electrical circuit with a virtual midpoint. The tricycle's electric drive utilizes two 10-inch motor wheels on the rear wheels, enabling high speed and efficiency. Controllers specifically designed for electric wheel motors with a power of 350 W were selected to control the traction electric drive. Modules from the 2015 Nissan Leaf electric car's battery, which had depleted 20% of their capacity, were chosen to power the electric drive. The battery health status is 77.95%. A model of the battery's electrical equivalent circuit was constructed, and partial discharge graphs of the Nissan Leaf battery module were analyzed. Originality. The results provide a comprehensive insight into the development of a traction electric drive for personal light electric vehicles, using a tricycle as an example. Practical value. The research led to the development of an electric drive for a three-wheeled vehicle, with two motor wheels of 350 W nominal power each. The power supply voltage ranges from 36 V to 48 V, powered by six battery modules from the Nissan Leaf electric car, totaling 48 V. The energy capacity of one battery module is 0.3898 kWh, resulting in a total energy capacity of 2.3388 kWh for the vehicle's battery. However, the realizable capacity does not exceed 1.871 kWh, providing a travel distance of approximately 75 km on one battery charge. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of reusing batteries from electric cars with diminished capacity to power light electric vehicles. The results are relevant for scientific and technical professionals involved in electric vehicle development.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Олег Смирнов, Анна Борисенко, Данило Марченко

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