Analysis and development of criteria for the operational efficiency of urban electric buses
city electric bus;, autonomous source of electricity;, operational efficiency criteria;, nominal passenger capacity;, energy consumption;, autonomous mileageAbstract
Problem. Currently, manufacturers and research specialists primarily utilize the amount of autonomous mileage and/or the specific electricity consumption of autonomous DEEs per unit of mileage to describe the general characteristics of urban electric buses. However, the structural mass and the key operational parameter, the nominal passenger capacity, are often disregarded. Therefore, comparing electric buses of the same type with identical dimensional parameters based solely on these criteria is illogical and incorrect. Goal. This study aims to establish criteria for the operational efficiency of urban low-floor electric buses of various types, considering autonomous DEE and their charging or replacement systems. These criteria should account for structural mass and nominal passenger capacity, facilitating a proper comparative assessment and the selection of the most optimal options for use in urban passenger transportation systems. Methodology. Criteria for the operational efficiency of city electric buses of various types are proposed based on an analysis of electricity consumption required for both movement and the operation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. The criteria consider the mass in the equipped state and the main parameter - nominal passenger capacity. Results. Several operational efficiency criteria for urban electric buses, incorporating mass parameters and passenger capacity, are suggested. The feasibility of their application is demonstrated through a comparison of five sketch projects of electric buses of various types with modern models. Originality. The proposed criteria for the operational efficiency of urban electric buses offer a method for adequately comparing any selected models, regardless of their types and technical specifications. Practical value. The proposed criteria for the operational efficiency of urban electric buses of various types can be beneficial for transport company specialists in selecting suitable rolling stock for specific routes. Additionally, design bureau and scientific and technical center specialists can utilize these criteria during the design process of new urban electric transport models.
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