Research of electric vehicle battery packs and charging stations based on an active three-phase rectifier
charging stations for electric vehicles, voltage source rectifier, current source rectifiers, lithium-ion batteries, lithium-iron-phosphate batteries, lithium-titanium batteriesAbstract
Problem. The proliferation of electric vehicles has underscored the need for the development of energy-efficient charging stations and systems. These systems must deliver high efficiency, maintain a power factor close to unity, adhere to electromagnetic compatibility standards, emit low levels of higher harmonics, and enable fast charging capabilities. Current electric vehicle charging devices encounter issues such as significant power losses, high harmonic emissions to the power grid, and challenges in implementing fast charging modes. Consequently, enhancing the energy efficiency of charging stations – by reducing power losses, minimizing harmonic emissions, ensuring a high power factor, and supporting modes for regulated current and voltage sources for fast charging – is a pressing concern. Goal. The aim of this work is to perform a comparative analysis of different types of batteries for electric vehicles, exemplified by TESLA cars, presenting comparative characteristics of lithium-ion, lithium-iron-phosphate, and lithium-titanate batteries. Methodology. The study showcases an evaluation of battery units for electric vehicles and outlines a comparative assessment of lithium-ion, lithium-iron-phosphate, and lithium-titanate batteries. The research focuses on enhancing the energy efficiency of electric vehicle charging station systems through the use of active rectifiers, with modes for active power factor correction and optimal configuration. Results. An examination of the quality of converters for electric vehicle charging stations was conducted, proposing schemes for a three-phase active voltage source rectifier and an active current source rectifier. Power circuitry and space-vector switching states for power transistors are introduced. Analysis concludes that an active current rectifier may be a more promising topology. Originality. A model of a charging station based on an active current source rectifier was developed using Matlab/Simulink. Transient processes of the converter's operation and the charging of a 60 kWh battery pack were examined. It was found that the active rectifier facilitates regulation of the battery charging current, achieves a power factor close to unity, and maintains a low level of higher harmonic emissions with a harmonic distortion factor of 2.52%. Practical value. The advancement of electric vehicles necessitates the ongoing development and enhancement of the energy indicators for electric vehicle batteries and the converters of charging stations, especially those that enable fast charging. Active progress is being made in each of these areas.
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