The assessment of the feasibility of designing, manufacturing, and operating middle-class innovative urban electric buses
first class electric bus, city electric bus of the ONC type, middle-class electric bus, passenger capacity of the electric bus, electric bus mass parameters, autonomous mileageAbstract
Problem. City electric buses are increasingly being utilized for passenger transportation in developed countries worldwide. Currently, there are various types of city electric buses being manufactured and operated, differing in their autonomous electric energy sources and charging systems. These include the ONC type with overnight charging of traction batteries and the OS type with ultra-fast charging of traction batteries or supercapacitors during stops. However, these electric buses also vary in their body length, ranging from 5.85 to 15.0 meters for individual models. Although large-class city electric buses with a body length of approximately 12.0 meters are commonly used, concerns have been raised regarding their operational effectiveness. Goal: This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of designing and implementing small-scale production of competitive middle-class city electric buses with a body length of 8.0-10.0 meters at Ukrainian enterprises, and to assess their suitability for operation on city routes. Methodology: The feasibility evaluation of middle-class city electric buses is based on an analysis of the technical parameters of promising ONC-type middle-class city electric buses. The study includes the development of conceptual sketch projects based on a proposed layout scheme utilizing a 4x2.1 wheel formula. Operational parameters of these sketch projects are compared with electric bus analogues of similar and other standard sizes. Results: Three versions of conceptual sketch projects for promising urban electric buses of the ONC type, with body lengths of 8.0 meters, 9.0 meters, and 10.0 meters, have been developed. An analysis of their structural and operational parameters has been conducted, providing a relative assessment of the feasibility of their creation and utilization for passenger transportation on urban routes within domestic cities. Originality: The projects for promising middle-class urban electric buses are developed based on an original layout scheme, incorporating an asymmetrical arrangement of independent suspensions for the left and right wheels of the steering bridge, as well as the placement of two double passenger doors in the middle section of the bus bodies within the wheelbases. A method for determining the primary structural parameters of city electric buses of varying lengths during the development of conceptual proposals is proposed. Practical Value: The study presents a rational basis for creating and establishing the production of medium-class city electric buses of the ONC type, highlighting their operational and economic advantages compared to modern models, particularly large-class city electric buses produced by domestic companies. The study also provides recommendations for selecting optimal standard sizes of middle-class city electric buses for integration into urban passenger transportation systems in Ukraine's current stage of economic development
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