Using the energy of the amortization system in the organization of the movement of an electric vehicle
amortization, pneumatics, energy recovery, accumulation, compressed airAbstract
Problem. One of the areas of developing energy saving when using machines and mechanisms is the recovery of used energy for the purpose of reuse. At the same time, potential energy accumulated by massive mechanisms or kinetic energy of moving machine elements is used. Goal. The purpose of the work is to reveal the main advantages and principle of operation of the pneumatic damping system for energy recovery and generation. Methodology. The methodological basis of the work is the analysis, comparison and generalization of existing scientific research and inventions. The ever-increasing interest of domestic and foreign researchers in the direction of energy saving in road transport, the steady expansion of the list of inventions related to energy saving, such as the conversion of mechanical vibrations into electrical, thermal, hydraulic and other types of energy with subsequent accumulation and useful use, were noted. Results. When the car is moving, as a result of the deformation of the suspension springs, there are transverse and longitudinal vibrations of the frame or body, which are damped by shock absorbers. The most widely used are hydraulic and gas shock absorbers, which use the resistance of a viscous liquid or gas when passing through calibrated holes or limited valve diameters. The very process of dampening oscillations is reduced to the transformation of mechanical energy into thermal energy with subsequent removal of heat to the environment. Originality. As part of energy saving, the authors of the work propose to accumulate the energy of oscillating movements in the form of pneumatic energy of compressed air with the possibility of further use in various systems of automobile transport. They also show the effectiveness and expediency of introducing similar measures, especially in hybrid schemes of cars in which the transformation of thermal and electrical energy takes place at the same time, point out the problems that arise when introducing energy accumulation in the form of compressed air, and propose measures to overcome negative phenomena that characteristic of this process. Practical value. The results of the study indicate the perspective and expediency of implementing new schemes in the direction of increasing the efficiency of newly created recuperation systems in car suspensions, expand the list of methods of providing energy-efficient technologies to increase reliability and durability depending on operating conditions.
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