Features of logistics management of warehouse system of the express delivery





logistics management, delivery, warehouse system, express delivery, physical distribution


Problem. The efficiency of delivery and postal items is currently a necessary condition without which the normal circulation of goods and services, as well as human life at the present stage of development of society is impossible. Delivery is the link between the production and consumption of goods and services, serving both producers and consumers. The continuity of logistics customer service in today's market conditions must be ensured by the efficient operation of the warehouse. The mechanism of express delivery ensures that when applying to a logistics intermediary of a certain type, the client can count on the provision of a comprehensive service. A distinctive feature of the mechanism is the work of the warehousing system, as the subject of work of express delivery companies is not a product but a service. Despite the existence of various methods and systems for optimizing the warehousing process, the peculiarities of the operation of the warehouse at express delivery enterprises remain insufficiently considered. Goal. Improving the efficiency of the warehouse system of express delivery companies by streamlining the parameters of the warehouse based on the application of logistics management to warehousing processes. Methodology. The analyzed parameters of the warehouse reflect the volume and mass characteristics that allow to assess the efficiency of the warehouse in relation to the use of its usable area, capacity. Results. Based on the analysis of the functioning of the warehouse system, the parameters of the warehouse are set, taking into account the peculiarities of the logistics management of express delivery companies. Originality. A model for determining the cost of storage of goods is presented, which takes into account the time of circulation of goods in the warehouse. Practical value. The parameters of work of a warehouse are offered, the features of logistic management of system of express delivery are considered. As a result of the analysis of the offered criterion of efficiency – the expenses for storage of cargoes in a warehouse, the basic elements influencing efficiency of functioning of a warehouse system of the enterprises of express delivery are determined.

Author Biographies

Natalia Ptytsia, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, 25, Yaroslava Mudrogo str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine

PhD. of Engineering, Assoc. Prof. of Transport Systems and Logistics Department

Kateryna Kovtsur, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, 25, Yaroslava Mudrogo str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine

PhD. of Engineering, Assoc. Prof. of Transport Systems and Logistics Department


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How to Cite

Ptytsia, N., & Kovtsur, K. (2022). Features of logistics management of warehouse system of the express delivery. Vehicle and Electronics. Innovative Technologies, (21), 57–63. https://doi.org/10.30977/VEIT.2022.21.0.02

