The problem of integrated quality assurance and safety of vehicle operation




quality, quality indicators, safety, quantitative assessment of quality, vehicles, telematics, ergonomics, education


Problem. The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations of product quality management. The problem of the quality and safety of the operation of vehicles is considered from three angles. The first is directly the problem of the quality and reliability of vehicles as products. Therefore, a quantitative assessment of the quality of a wheeled vehicle is an urgent task and will be discussed in the article. The second aspect is the human-machine interaction in the "man - car - road - environment" system and directly the quality of the human performer driving the car. This aspect depends immediately on the ergonomic qualities of the car. The third aspect concerns the quality of the society and the issues that affect the quality of a quality vehicle designer. Goal. The main purpose of the research is to substantiate the methodological foundations of vehicle quality management as a product. The practical purpose of this work is to develop a methodology for a comprehensive quantitative assessment of the quality, reliability and safety of wheeled vehicles. Methodology. The paper considers groups of product quality characteristics. The possibility of a comprehensive qualitative assessment of the quality of vehicles is determined. The relevance of such an assessment is due to the wide variety of vehicles, the improvement of their technical characteristics against the backdrop of a slower development of the characteristics of the environment in which they are used. Another important circumstance is slow development of methods for assessing the quality of vehicles, which makes it difficult to choose the best option in accordance with the goals of their operation. Originality. The paper shows an extensive range of vehicle properties. A technique for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of vehicles is proposed. An assumption is made about the representation of quality indicators in a multidimensional space, in which each dimension corresponds to a certain group of properties. Practical value. To improve the objectivity of a comprehensive assessment, a number of units of property characteristics are described that have a metric dimension and are based on the physical and material representation of actions. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop and refine the methodology for a comprehensive quantitative assessment of quality in the area under research.

Author Biographies

Mykhailo Taranenko , National Aerospace University

professor, Doct. of Science, Department of Automobiles and Transport Infrastructure

Galyna Mygal , National Aerospace University

professor, Doct. of Science, Department of Automobiles and Transport Infrastructure

Natalia Kobrina , National Aerospace University

Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Department of Automobiles and Transport Infrastructure

Andrii Makovetskyi , National Aerospace University

Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Department of Automobiles and Transport Infrastructure


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How to Cite

Taranenko , M., Mygal , G., Kobrina , N., & Makovetskyi , A. (2022). The problem of integrated quality assurance and safety of vehicle operation. Vehicle and Electronics. Innovative Technologies, (21), 6–21.

