Analyzing technical perfection of city electric buses of various types
city electric bus, technical excellence of the electric bus, passenger capacity of the electric bus, parameters of the mass of the electric bus, autonomous run, charging station infrastructure, first class electric busAbstract
Problem. Electric buses of various types are becoming increasingly used for passenger transport on urban routes in almost all European countries and in many countries in America and Asia, especially in China. However, in our country, in contrast to Belarus, Russia and some other countries of the former Soviet Union, city electric buses of two types have been undergoing operational tests for only a few years now. Goal. Determination and selection of the optimal type of city electric bus for the creation and organization of serial production of promising competitive electric buses at Ukrainian enterprises and their further operation on urban routes. Methodology. The choice of the type of perspective for domestic economic development systems of urban passenger transport systems is based on the analysis of technical parameters of city electric buses of different types, sketches of which are developed on the basis of maximum identity of their designs, and economic parameters of "city electric bus type. Results. Five variants of sketch designs of city electric buses of different types (ONC, ONC-T, ONC-V, OC-B and OC-S) were developed based on the assessment of design and operational parameters of electric buses and economic parameters of the system "city electric bus - necessary infrastructure". Originality. The method of the analysis of technical perfection of city electric buses of various types which sketch projects are developed on the basis of application of the principle "under other identical conditions", that is, maintenance of the maximum identity of their designs is offered. Practical value. The choice of the type of city electric bus for the design of promising competitive structures that are most suitable for use in urban passenger transport systems at this stage of economic development of Ukraine.
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