Method of selecting automatic control system of a motor grader




motor grader, automatic control system, fuzzy set theory, selection method, road construction, criteria


Problem. Effective use of motor graders is impossible without the use of automatic control systems, especially in modern conditions of large volumes of road construction. However, among the large number of samples of such systems, which differ in various parameters, it is impossible to make an appropriate choice without a scientifically sound approach, taking into account the set of their characteristics. It was found that these systems are characterized by a large set of parameters, with the values of some of them unknown, and the reliability of the values of many parameters is questionable, i.e. the choice must take place in conditions of fuzzy information. The methods of choosing alternatives in conditions of uncertainty described in the literature, in particular when choosing technical systems based on Analytic Hierarchy Process and fuzzy set theory, are analyzed and the latter is taken to develop a method of choosing a motor grader ACS. The goal of the work is to increase the efficiency of motor graders in road construction due to the appropriate choice of ACS. The methodology of constructing the method is the theory of fuzzy sets. The economic, technical-operational and ergonomic groups of criteria for choosing a motor grader ACS are determined and substantiated. The construction of the method was performed to select the ACS in the 3D class. As the alternatives, the systems which are the leaders of this segment were chosen. The above criteria are a set of criteria. The solution to the problem of choice is an alternative that best meets the requirements of the whole set of criteria. The results of the work are the development of a method of fuzzy multicriterion analysis for the selection of a motor grader ACS in the class of 3D systems. Originality lies in constructing the method of choosing a motor grader ACS in conditions of fuzzy information on the basis of reasonable criteria. The practical value is the fact that the use of the developed method will allow to make a scientifically sound choice of the ACS of a motor grader taking into account the whole set of criteria.

Author Biography

Igor Ilge, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, 25, Yaroslava Mudrogo str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.

Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies


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How to Cite

Ilge, I. . (2021). Method of selecting automatic control system of a motor grader. Vehicle and Electronics. Innovative Technologies, (20), 37–44.

