Diagnostics of the technical condition and predic-tion of accident-free guaranteed operating time of heavily loaded machines gear wheels
diagnostics, technical condition, prediction, guaranteed operating time, gear, fatigue damageAbstract
Problem. This article highlights the current state of diagnostics of gears on the level of accumulated fatigue damage in operation. The generalization of the known information on determination of a technical condition of separate gear wheels, especially with big modules (m> 20 mm), allows to outline prospects of development of such diagnostics of a technical condition of gear wheels directly in the course of operation. Goal. The goal of this study is to develop an algorithm for diagnosing the technical condition and forecasting a fault-free operation of the gears of heavy-duty machines. Methodology. The least squares method and the confidence interval method are used to predict accident-free guaranteed gear operation. Results. A procedure for diagnosing the technical condition of gears by measuring the hardness of the metal has been developed, which includes five main stages: selection of the device; choice of measurement scheme; selection of the number of measurements, number and relative position of measuring points; development of a design of a template for measurements; development of a device for fastening templates. When determining the accident-free guaranteed operating time on the basis of several criteria of the limit state, the final decision is made on the criterion that determines the minimum term. Originality. The method of forecasting accident-free guaranteed operating time of gears is chosen taking into account the stages of running-in and stable in linear function accumulation of damage in operation. Practical value. The use of the developed procedure for diagnosing the technical condition of the gears of gearboxes of heavy-duty machines will significantly increase the efficiency of their operation due to the transition from scheduled preventive maintenance to maintenance according to the actual technical condition.
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