Development of e-automated control system friction clutch of the vehicle
automated control system, clutch control, clutch position sensor, pedal position sensor, PID controllerAbstract
Problem. One of the most pressing problems of modern automotive industry is to simplify and facilitate driving. As for such a branch of the automotive industry as military equipment. One of the keys to successful completion of the task by the crew of any combat vehicle is the least possible distraction from the process of driving a vehicle and focus on the task. This is possible if the vehicle is provided with relatively comfortable driving conditions, good dynamic properties and the required minimum of controls. The solution to the issue of facilitating car driving cannot be solved without automation of transmission control. Goal. The aim of the project is to create a prototype of an electronic system of automated control of the friction clutch of a vehicle to increase the reliability and efficiency of special and military vehicles. Methodology. Analytical methods of research, program and full-scale modeling, experimental researches on real object of management are used. Originality. New interrelations between the structural elements of the actuator of the friction clutch are proposed, which allow to ensure the required speed of the actuator of the electropneumatic clutch control drive without losing control accuracy when using two electropneumatic valves. The proposed control algorithm of the actuator allows the use of both normally closed valves without residual pressure in the power cylinder. Practical value. The stages of synthesis of the electronic control system are carried out. The algorithm of operation of the tracking system with the use of PID-regulator and taking into account the features of the actuator is proposed and debugged. A new clutch pedal design with an induction sensor is proposed, which provides high accuracy and speed, and also requires only two wires to connect.
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