Functional scheme of the transformer-rectifier unit of the centrifugal oil cleaning installation
power transformer, transformer oil, automated control system, transfer function, dynamic characteristicsAbstract
Annotation. Problem. The reduction of reliability, economical and mass-dimensional indicators is one of available ways for centrifugal cleaning transformer olives installations, which based on electric drives with icreased frequency. In addition to the development and calculation of the power scheme of the installation, the issue of developing an calculation power supply system from the industrial power system is relevant. In this case, the task of developing and researching a voltage and frequency converter, which is an intermediate link between the industrial power system and the centrifugal oil cleaning installation and provides the specified parameters of electricity, requires the solution of additional partial problems. Goal. The goal is to develop and study the functional scheme of the transformer-rectifier unit with an automated output voltage control system for the installation of centrifugal cleaning of transformer oil. Methodology. Analytical methods of research, methods of the theory of electric machines and electric drives, and also methods of calculation of transfer functions of elements of the automated control systems and their dynamic characteristics are used. Results. The structural scheme of the transformer-rectifier unit with the automated control system of the output voltage of the installation for cleaning transformer oil on the basis of the electric drive of the increased frequency is developed. Calculations of transfer functions of elements of the offered automated control system of the transformer-rectifier unit are executed and its dynamic characteristics are investigated. Originality. The scheme of the transformer-rectifier unit for installation of centrifugal cleaning of transformer oil with the electric drive of the increased frequency is developed and investigated. Practical value. The introduction of centrifugal transformer oil cleaning units with a high-frequency electric drive will increase the reliability, economy and weight of such units. The calculations allow us to draw conclusions about the compliance of the proposed scheme of the transformer-rectifier unit with an automated voltage control system for reliability and dynamic characteristics of the requirements for the secondary power supply of the centrifugal oil cleaning installation.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Андрій Нечаус, Валентина Тарасова, Андрій Гнатов, Щасяна Аргун, Дмитро Шимук, Олена Бикова

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