Probabilistic estimate of dependence between voltage and current in measurements by induction sensors of characteristics of magnetic-pulsed metal processing
Problem. Magnetic-pulse methods are the basis of modern technologies for stamping products from aluminum alloys with high strength and low weight. In this regard, the development of tools for force action, based on the fundamental principles of the electrodynamics of continuous media, is of practical importance. Goal. The purpose of the work is a probabilistic assessment of deviations from a directly proportional relationship between the amplitudes of the exponentially relaxing temporal dependences of voltage and current in measurers of the characteristics of magnetic-pulse metal processing with using an induction-type sensor – the Rogowski belt. Methodology. To achieve this goal, the provisions of the electrical circuits theory, the characteristics of random quantities in probability theory, as well as the standard programs from the “Wolfram Mathematica” package were used. Results. It is established that in the induction measurers – the Rogowski belt the differences between the amplitudes of the compared quantities are determined by the values δ[0,1; 0,3] of the relative damping factor of the current signal. Originality. It is shown that for harmonic temporal current functions with a relative damping factor, the proportionality between the relative amplitudes of inductively coupled current and voltage is preserved with an accuracy not lower than ~ 10 %, which makes it possible to investigate electromagnetic processes using the normalized amplitudes of oscilloscope voltages without using analog or numerical integration methods. Practical value. The use of the obtained results will significantly reduce the list of necessary equipment for measurements, simplify experiments and reduce the time to conduct them, which will ultimately create new, more effective tools for magnetic-pulsed metal processing.
Key words: magnetic-pulsed metal processing, electrical measurements, Rogowski belt, probabilistic characteristics, harmonic signals.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Евгений Александрович Чаплыгин, Светлана Александровна Шиндерук, Татьяна Владимировна Гаврилова, Анита Дмитриевна Лебедь

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