Fuel flow meter based on the AVR Microchip (Atmel) microcontroller
Problem. During operation of the vehicle, it is necessary to periodically monitor fuel consumption. Experimental methods are known for determining fuel consumption according: by signal from the engine control system, by the fuel level in the tank, by the flow rate in the fuel line of the fuel supply system. A physical measurement of the amount of fuel per unit time in a vehicle’s fuel line provides accuracy of up to 1%. Goal. The purpose of the work is to improve the method of measuring fuel consumption in the fuel line of a car, by constructing a control and measurement system based on the use of microprocessor systems. Methodology. An algorithmic research method is used that describes the transformation of information in the fuel flow meter control system, data transfer to a computer, analysis and presentation of results for the user. Results. The measuring system is based on the ATMega 328p microprocessor manufactured by Microchip (Atmel). The controller controls the fuel flows inside the sensor, through interruptions determines the moment of filling the measured volume, registers the time between cycles, calculates the instantaneous and accumulated flow. The controller software organizes the output of information on the screen, writes fuel consumption readings to a file on an SD card, and organizes data transfer to a computer via UART. The developed computer software receives data from the microprocessor through the serial port via USB, displays the received fuel consumption information on the computer screen in graphical and text form. All stages of the implementation of the system, the use of tools, software products and libraries are described. Originality. The fuel flow meter is built on the basis of a modern element base using affordable and inexpensive components. Practical value. The fuel flow meter can be used to diagnose the general condition of the car, to detect timely hidden malfunctions during operation, to evaluate the effectiveness of fuel and economic indicators.
Key words: fuel, flow meter, vehicle, measuring system, microprocessor, software, information technology.
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