Measuring complex of deformation of a bus body frame elements in operating conditions
Problem. The development of electronics and microprocessor technology at the present stage allows for the introduction of new means of diagnostics and research of road vehicles. Trends in the development of electronic tools are aimed at the development of universal circuits that allow you to build devices with a diverse range of tasks. Thus, modern electronic means allow to create devices of a new mobile structure for measuring deformation of elements of a frame of a bus body by means of changing deformation resistance. Goal. Thus, the purpose of the work is to develop a measuring complex, which must be based on an instrument for measuring the deformation of the elements of the bus body frame by changing the deformation resistance in operating conditions. Methodology. It is necessary to create such a complex, which will be based on the device for measuring the deformation of the elements of the bus body frame changing the deformation resistance. The device must be affordable, have low cost, high speed signal transmission and processing. Results.The device for measuring the deformation of the elements of the bus body frame by means of changing the deformation resistance was developed. The appliance is inexpensive, affordable, high-speed. In conjunction with Isuzu-based bus diagnostic equipment and state-of-the-art computer technology, high-precision research is possible. Originality. A new device for diagnostics and determination of deformation of bus body frame elements has been developed and manufactured. A new program has been created and the device's microcontroller has been programmed for the tasks. Practical value. Measuring complex consisting of the developed device for measuring the deformation of the elements of the bus body frame by changing the deformation resistance and the G-IDSS diagnostic device, allows to carry out research and to perform synchronous recording of the obtained results.Key words: bus, elements of the body frame, stress, deformation, strain gauge, strain gauge resistor.References
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