Using tumbling after laser cutting to prepare the detail surfaces for applying decorative coatings
A tumbling technique is proposed for mass and productive machining of parts in order to eliminate defects after performing laser cutting operations. Completed: analysis of the sequence of technological operations, evaluation of production and technological possibilities of vibrating machines and experience of their operation. The design of the equipment and its optimal modes of operation, the number of oscillating masses, the type and nature of movement of the working chamber, the shape and volume of the working chamber, the characteristics of elastic connections, the type of drive and its characteristics, the shape and granulation of tumbling bodies, washing solutions and the degree of filling of the working chamber were selected. Results are shown before and after the specified type of treatment. The figures show the main defects arising in the laser method of cutting blanks and the results of their elimination after using the proposed technique. The analysis and evaluation of the use of the proposed method of processing a specific series of parts in terms of technological and economic efficiency, quality of processing, level of mechanization, automation and productivity of labor has been carried out. The authors identified the possibilities and areas of use of tumbling equipment. The proposed method enables to: clean the parts from carbon deposits, scale, dirt, grease, abrasive, chips and dust; eliminate the melting of the end surfaces; blunt, round and polish the sharp edges; remove burr, eliminate undercutting of holes and sawtooth profile of the part butt; align and reduce roughness throughout the part; improve the efficiency, uniformity and quality of processing; increase the number of simultaneously processed parts; reduce the cost of the product; save on auxiliary materials and tools, improve manufacturability, level of mechanization and automation of processing; increase product availability to the consumer. In addition, the vibration and impact nature of the effect of a multitude of tumbling bodies on the workpieces makes possible to increase the microhardness, to form favorable compressive residual stresses in the surface layer, to increase the wear resistance and fatigue strength of the product.
Keywords: tumbling; micro shock; vibration. scale; rip-off; burr; corrosion; burrs; work hardening; washing; cleaning; soot; roughness; wear resistance; sheet material; laser cutting; edge blunting.References
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