Analyzing the problems of using non-traditional electricity sources
Problem. The strategy of development of the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine envisages the expansion of using non-traditional sources of electric and thermal energy. There are a number of problems with the use of renewable energy sources (RES), whose technical solution leads to a significant increase in the price of energy obtained from these sources. But the use of the most common RES, i.e. wind and solar stations, is significantly dependent on weather conditions, which is why it directly leads to uneven energy production, as well as the maximum energy produced by the RES does not coincide with the maximum load hours. In wind power plants, it is connected to the change in wind speed, and in solar - to the insolation of the solar cells. Goal. The goal is research of the main problems that exist when using non-traditional (renewable) energy sources, first of all - solar and wind power plants. Methodology. The analytical methods of research on the development and application of methods and devices for converting sun energy into electricity have been used. Experimental methods of research and mathematical methods of processing experimental research were used. Results. The perspective of the use of functional electronics elements, including polymeric self-healing fuses of the “Polyswith” type for solving the problem of improving reliability of the devices of conversion of solar radiation energy is noted. Originality. Experimental studies have shown that such protection elements do not affect the operation of solar panels in their operating temperature range, and are functionally suitable for electrical isolation of local areas and components of high temperature solar panels. Practical value. Separation of the electrical circuit is proposed, which allows to reduce the information capacity of the algorithm and simplify the analysis of states. Separation of the object of diagnosis allows to reduce the solution of complex multifactor problem to the solution of several simpler ones. In addition, splitting the circle into separate links reduces the number of built-in sensors.Keywords: unconventional electricity sources; solar installations; wind energy installations; efficiency; reliability; stability; environmental impact; power supply.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Дмитро Степанович Шимук, Валентина Всеволодівна Тарасова, Борис В’ячеславович Кляхін, Гліб Сергійович Альховський

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