Algorithms of test diagnostics of valve circuits
Problem. Valve circuits are a special case of electric circuits. The concepts of the electric circuit and the set of its forming elements do not differ from the conventional ones, that is, its elements are ordinary electrical elements and so-called valves - transistors, thyristors. This article explores the ways to solve problems such as checking the status and finding the failing electrical components. The verification task can be considered as a separate case of electric circuit identification. Therefore, the evaluation of the performance of the valve circuits, the compilation of algorithms for their diagnosis is quite an urgent task. Solving this problem will allow more efficient and qualitative use of complex valve circuits, which exist in various electrical systems used in various sectors of the economy and industry. Goal. The goal is analysis and study of basic algorithms for diagnosing electrical circuits of different types. Methodology. The article deals with some algorithms for the diagnosis of valve circuits, namely: the algorithm for the diagnosis of valve circuits in the absence of restrictions on the choice of reaction sensors, the algorithm of diagnosis based on the information criterion, the algorithm of diagnosis by the method of separation. In addition, the use of current sensors for compiling a test diagnosis algorithm is considered. Results. Diagnosis of parameters can be used to detect gradual failures, to predict the state of an object, and to detect sudden failures, including those that cause a change in the structure of the circle: breakage or circuit closure. Originality. Separation of the electric circuit is proposed, which allows to reduce the information capacity of the algorithm and to simplify the analysis of states. Separation of the object of diagnosis allows to reduce the solution of complex multifactor problem to the solution of several simpler ones. In addition, the division of the circle into separate links allows to reduce the number of built-in sensors. Practical value. Diagnosis algorithms using inductive dividers allow maximum depth of defect detection without the use of built-in sensors. In addition to the influence of parallel circles on each other, the split-diagnostics algorithm is reduced for sequential check of the status of the links from the elements included in series, or each element separately.Key words: algorithm; diagnosis; method; valve; valve circle; sensor; test; failure; check; reactions of the working and faulty circle.References
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Copyright (c) 2021 Олександр Омелянович Ручка, Володимир Георгійович Рикун, Станіслав Володимирович Новіков, Ганна Андріївна Гнатова

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