Entropy in automatic control systems of com-plex electrical systems
Problem. In the analysis of control systems the basic concepts and definitions are mostly used, namely: transfer functions, laws of regulation, frequency characteristics and some others. However, this may not be sufficient to analyze and describe complex automatic control systems, since it is necessary to use probabilistic methods that use more general definitions and concepts. Such concepts include, for example, entropy of the probability distribution of a controlled process. Goal. The purpose of this paper is to consider the possibility of using the concept of entropy in automatic control systems in general and its use in these systems to evaluate the coordinates of the control of the processes in them. Methodology. Classic methods of probability theory and methods of control of complex technical systems are used. Results. The article deals with some issues of classification of automatic control systems and the possibility of using the concept of entropy to evaluate their efficiency. The basic requirements that must be met to ensure the reliable and economical operation of modern AC power systems are considered. Originality. It is established that one of the main purposes of process control automation is to reduce process uncertainty and process deviations. However, very often the requirement to increase control accuracy is combined with the requirement to increase the speed of the process. This demands faster responses from control systems to work out the required control signals and commands. Practical value. Consideration of entropy enables to: set some general conditions for controlling the operation itself, including the modes of operation of power and complex electrical systems, for example, systems of automatic control of electric traction electric drive based on three-phase AC machine; estimate the coordinates of process control, for example, in the system of automatic control of the operation of the of energy conversion power unit in electric transport.
Keywords: automatic control system; electric motor; parameters; entropy; classification; power system; reliability; economy; electric drive.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Андрій Вікторович Гнатов, Щасяна Валіковна Аргун, Кирило Сергійович Тарасов, Валентина Всеволодівна Тарасова, Артем Сергійович Суханов, Павло В’ячеславович Чуйко

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