Selection of method for estimation of quality of asynchronous traction electric motors for elec-tric buses
Problem. Despite all the advantages of asynchronous electric motors (ADs), they often fail. In connection with this diagnosis of blood pressure in the production stage, during the acceptance tests and in the process of operation is one of the most important ways to improve the reliability and cost-effectiveness of equipment. Therefore, the right choice of diagnostic method for assessing the quality and technical condition at different stages of the life cycle of blood pressure is a guarantee of its reliable operation. This is especially true for traction BP, which operate in dynamic modes of operation of mechanical loads. Goal. The purpose of the work is to choose a method for assessing the quality of asynchronous traction electric motors for electric buses. Methodology. Analytical methods of theoretical studies, comparative analysis of methods for determining the quality of traction AO for electric bus are used. Results. A comparative analysis of existing methods for assessing the quality of asynchronous motors is carried out. Vibrant diagnostic characteristics were selected as criteria of quality assessment, in accordance with which it was suggested to use a vibration method for assessing the quality of tractional blood pressure for electric buses. Originality. The proposed method can be used at all stages of the life cycle of blood pressure: the stage of design, production, acceptance testing, operation and repair. In addition, this method uses dynamic parameters as diagnostic features, which is important for the operation of the traction electric motor in the city electric bus. Practical value. This work allows us to proceed to the next step - the development of the method of vibration diagnostics of blood pressure, which is planned to be lit in subsequent publications.
Keywords: asynchronous motor; method of quality evaluation; electric bus; vibration characteristics; traction electric drive.
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