Experimental Study of “Direct Current Pas-sage” Tools by Magnetic-Pulse Metal Processing
Problem. Theoretical calculations of the “direct current passage” tools characteristics of the magnetic-pulse metal processing technology should be compared with actual results. To do this, it is necessary to measure the characteristics of the transverse current distribution over the surface of the sheet metal between the contacts connecting the real power source, as well as measure the integral values of this signal at a low-voltage and high-voltage magnetic-pulse installation. Goal. The goal is measuring the transverse distribution of the pulsed current linear density on the surface of the sheet metal between the point contacts of the power source with different geometry of their connection. Methodology. Measuring the transverse current distribution over the surface integral characteristics of the sheet metal is carried out between the contacts of the connection of a real power source ‑ a low-voltage and high-voltage magnetic-pulse installation; the integral values are determined by the Rogowsky belt around the area under investigation followed by integrating the received signal. Results. Comparison of theory and experiment shows that in the case of reducing the distance between the contacts of the source connection, the degree of transverse concentration of the flowing current increases. With a sufficiently small distance the concentration level can reach the values of 65...80%. Originality. The degree of transverse concentration of the flowing current relative to the center of the system in the operating frequency range of 1,8...22 kHz depends very little on its temporal characteristics. The level of the transverse current concentration in the conditionally allocated band connecting the contacts depends significantly on the ratio of the width of this band and the transverse dimensions of the contact connection. Practical value. Using the obtained results will make possible to create new, more efficient tools of “direct current passage”.
Key words: direct current passage; linear density; transverse concentration; temporal characteristics; magnetic impulse attraction; electrodynamic forces.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Евгений Александрович Чаплыгин, Елена Федоровна Еремина, Светлана Александровна Шиндерук, Александр Алексеевич Коряк, Евгений Евгеньевич Черный

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